Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 30

Today is day 30. Praise Jesus. While I have learned a lot from our experiment, I am grateful to be done. We originally did this to raise awareness about world hunger. I am not sure exactly how much awareness was raised, but I do know that I learned a great deal about myself, my society, and my God.

In the beginning the challenge was turning down all of the food around me and being bored by what I had to eat. I got sick of rice and beans on day 1 and instead had pasta for dinner. Turns out a serving of pasta is only $0.13. This is frightening when I think about all of the times I eat out or buy food based on convenience. A little preparation can save you a lot of money. Emily started experimenting with flat bread and became good at making it with only flour and water. Add a tbsp of peanut butter and it is a lovely snack (at a whopping $0.06!).

I think the most surprising thing throughout this was watching my mental state deteriorate. I had never realized how what I ate affected how well I could think. I was at a friend's party this past weekend and was embarrassed at how many times I would be talking to someone and forget what I was saying half-way through the sentence. Tyler and Emily both talked a lot about how difficult it was to sit in front of a computer or attempt to study and concentrate. Luckily my job does not require a lot of mental stamina, but I did notice a difference when I would try to read or have a conversation.

To sum up-
  • We eat far more everyday than we need to.
  • $1 can buy you a lot of food.
  • I often eat based on convenience, not cost.
  • I really missed dairy, fruit, and vegetables.
This experiment has led to conversations about possible future 30 day experiments. Emily and I have decided that in the month of August we will only wear 4 outfits. This is something I talk about doing a lot (throwing out all of my clothes and only have 4 or 5 outfits) and I think it will be a good starting point. We have also discussed monitoring the amount of water we used everyday (for showers and washing the dishes, etc.). Have another idea? Let us know- we just might try it.

I was listening to the radio on the way to work this morning and a McDonalds commercial was trying to amaze me with the thought that they offer a cheeseburger for only $1! That used to seem like a good deal, but it can buy a heck of a lot more than that. Like, let's say, a serving of oatmeal, 3 eggs, a serving of pasta, a banana, and a Tbs of peanut butter.